Guilt is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. For example, in the show Full House, Danny, the single father of three young girls has a job as a sportscaster. When his two oldest daughters, Stephanie and DJ both have important events and he can’t make it to either one, he feels so guilty that he takes off from work on a very important day just to make it up to them. Check out this link for more info about Full House. Guilt plays a part in everyone’s life one time or another, so there is no way to really avoid it. I feel guilty after lying to someone. I try not to lie, but everyone does it sometimes, so you can’t really blame me. Now onto Macbeth. Guilt plays a huge role in this play. All of the guilt started with Macbeth and his wife planning and actually killing King Duncan. More guilt was forced on them when Macbeth had Banquo killed. Even now, we can see what effects the guilt is having on Lady Macbeth. She is sleepwalking!! Not only has she been walking around in the middle of the night asleep, she has been talking in her sleep as well, revealing the secrets of how Duncan and Banquo were killed. From these few examples and from this website, we can see how much guilt can affect and ruin people’s lives.
Hey Ashley. Your blog post is really great, but you should add another picture. You will get the full credit and I know you would like to have full credit. Anyway...you had great information; however, you should write more into detail when you spoke of guilt in your own life. Otherwise, you post is great!
- Marina
Heyy Ashley!!!
I think that your blog post is nice and short and to the point. Relating Lady Macbeth's sleep walking to guilt was definately one of the strongest points that you made in your post. If anything, I would just add a little more about you experiencing guilt because you only vaguely mentioned how it affects you. But, over all, great job as usual. :)
-Amanda :)
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